Stroke Rehab: A Patient’s Journey

Many of you will have suffered or know of someone who has suffered a stroke. A stroke happens when there is a blockage in the brain (infarct) or a blood vessel bursts (haemorrhage) and can be highly debilitating depending on severity of it and which part of the brain has been affected. 

Here at Get Moving Physiotherapy Ltd, we have had the privilege of rehabilitating such patients with great results.  This is an extremely rewarding and satisfying part of our job, and we are proud to be part of their rehabilitation journey.

Full consent was gained from both patients to discuss their journey and use photos.  

Case Study 1- Malc

Malc physio

In September 2022, Malc suffered a near catastrophic stroke which greatly affected his left upper and lower limb while also affecting his sitting balance. Malc was in hospital (including intensive care) initially for 4 months and was eventually discharged home in the December of 2022. 

Upon discharge home, Malc was predominantly nursed in bed, used a hoist for all transfers and was unable to initially sit without physical assistance. He and his wife contacted us for further therapy as input from the NHS had been limited.

Here at Get moving, we have been involved with Malc for the last 9 months and the amount of progression has been significant. Malc has started to regain some movement and strength in his left lower limb, is now able to sit unsupported and has progressed off a hoist to using a stand aid re-turner and 2 people.  

As a result, Malc’s quality of life has greatly improved and is now getting outdoors in his wheelchair a few times a week and is also planning a holiday for later in 2024! 

His therapy is still very much ongoing and we are now focusing on sit to stand transfers with the view of progressing to eventually being able to mobilise with a walking aid. 

Malc’s testimony  

“My journey has been amazing so far.  It has been very productive from what I could do before compared to what I can do now.  I feel challenged.  Since I have started physiotherapy with Donna and Faye, the progression has been really good, as it has felt like my body is getting back to moving.”    

Case study 2- Andy 

Andy was 60 years old when he suffered a CVA in April 2023. His major deficits were physical in nature and affected his left upper and lower limb, some of which included reduced strength, balance and proprioception. As a result, Andy struggled to walk without an aid, struggled in and out of bed and was unable to climb stairs. He also required initial assistance with showering due to reduced balance. 

Andy had regular physiotherapy over the last few months and has progressed a tremendous amount. He is now independent with all activities of daily living, walks without an aid and is able to climb stairs no problem. 

Our therapy sessions have consisted largely of upper and lower limb strengthening and progression of balance exercises. Andy has also been given a thorough home exercise programme to continue with between sessions. 

Andy’s testimony

“After my stroke it was an absolute must to get physiotherapy input at home as soon as possible to aid my recovery. I discovered Get Moving physio online and as it was local; I called and arranged an initial assessment with Donna. She came out a few days after the initial call and completed a thorough and comprehensive assessment and we started on a rehabilitation journey. Four weeks into my rehab I had made good progress and was then seen by Faye, another Physiotherapist at Get Moving. Over the last 10 months I have had multiple sessions a week and progressed significantly. Faye is very dedicated and has a passion for her work which really shines through. Want to say an enormous thank you to you guys – without you I’m certain I would be no where I am today in terms of my recovery.”